Books you can find your Patriots in!

Books you can find your Patriots listed in! Usually Genealogical Libraries have them, you can also check our look up volunteers with published resources pages to see if they may have them!

Information provided by Fran Powell

North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal published lists of NC Revolutionary War soldiers/patriots. These accounts are listed by name and county of residence:

Vol. 8: pp95-101; 154-161; 209-214;

Vol. 9: pp23-31; 85-91; 147-154; 221-228;

Vol. 10: pp107-113; 235-241;

Vol. 11: pp113-118; 239-242;

Vol. 12: pp95-104; 228-233;

Vol. 14: pp109-116; 227-235;

Vol. 15: pp101-107; 228-235;

Vol. 16: pp107-114; 233-239;

Vol. 17: pp108-116; 216-223;

Vol. 18: pp92-100; 236-245.

These records are taken from:

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