John Applewhite Family

    Contributed by Frank Hooks Thompson

    Will of John Applewhite, Sr., 1815
    Executor's Copy of the Will of John Applewhite  
    (1813), 1815 
    Call Number: 400.1.1.46 
    Source/Donor: Johnston, Hugh B., Jr. -- Gift 
    This is a xerox of the executor's copy of the will of John Applewhite, 
    Wayne County, dated July 22, 1813 and proved May Court 1815. The 
    original document is in the possession of Robert Reid Handley, Camarillo, 
                       Will of John Applewhite, Sr.
    In the name of God Amen. I John Applewhite Sr. of the County of Wayne and
    State of North Carolina, being sick and weak of body, but of a sound mind
    and memory, blessed by almighty God calling to mind the mortality of my
    body and knowing that it is appointed unto men once to die, and for the
    latter settling of my worldly estate, do make and publish this my last
    will and testament in manner and form following as [viz]
    Item] I lend my beloved wife Elizabeth my plantations with all the lands
    on the south side of the Slough during her natural life, and after her
    decease I give and bequeath to my son Isaac, all my home plantation lands
    to him his heirs and assigns forever
    Item] I give and bequeath to my son Elisha, all the land I bought of John
    Thompson, after the death of my wife to him his heirs or assigns forever
    Item] I lend my wife ten negroes during her natural life; Feruba, Rhoda,
    Sarah, Mike, Toby, Bright, Anica, Avey, Tabitha, Jacob, all my stock of
    every kind with my farming tools, household and kitchen furniture, during
    her natural life
    Item] I give and bequeath to my son John after the death of my wife, two
    negroes, Mike and Toby
    Item] I lend my daughter Martha Handley during her natural life, five
    negroes after the death of my wife and after the death of my daughter,
    I give and bequeath them to her heirs lawfully begotten of her body named
    Sarah, Edney, Frank, Esther & Nancy with their increase forever
    Item] I give and bequeath to my son Elisha four negroes at my death,
    [name missing], Reuben, Chana, Fortin, and after the death of my wife 
    three more, Jacob, Anica, Avey and their increase
    Item] I give and bequeath to my son Isaac four negroes at my death, Beedy,
    Lewis, Offy, Wealthy, and after the death of my wife three more named 
    Feruba, Bright, & Tabitha, and their increase. I desire that my two sons 
    Elisha & Isaac have my negro girl with her increase named Rhoda, after the 
    death of my wife
    Item] I lend my granddaughter Elizabeth Worrell one negro girl named 
    Mereca during her natural life, and after her death to her heirs lawfully
    begotten of her body with her increase I give and bequeath forever
    It is my will and desire if I do not sell two negroes named Jinna and
    Litha in the time of my life, that after my decease the heirs of my 
    daughter Martha Handley lawfully begotten of her body have them with
    their increase to (them) their heirs or assigns forever
    After the death of (my wife it is my will) that all the property lent her
    except (about four words missing) to be sold and the money equally divided
    (between my four) children hereafter named, John, Martha, Elisha and Isaac
    Lastly I nominate and appoint my two sons, Isaac and Elisha Applewhite sole
    Executors to this my last will and testament revoking and disannuling all
    other will or wills made by me heretfore
    Ratifying this and this only to be my last will and testament, whereunto
    I the testator have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 22nd
    day of July 1813
    Signed sealed and published    }    John (his x mark) Applewhite {Seal}
    in presents of us who in the   }
    presents of each other         }
    Witness                        }    Interlined before asined
    J. Howell                      }     Test Jno. Howell
    J. Dunn                        }
    State of North Carolina        }
    Wayne County                   }    Court of Pleas and quarter Sessions
                                   }    May Term 1815. Then was the above
    will proved by the aoth [sic] of John Howell, one of the subscribing
    witnesses thereto by the same in open Court, and ordered the same to be 
    I do certify the above to be a true copy of the original filed in my
    office (and given) under my hand on the 7th of July A.D. 1815   H.H.P.
                                          John McKinne  Clk
    Copy of John Applewhite dec'd - Will
    Will of Elizabeth Applewhite Sr., 1828
    be it Remberd that I Elizabeth applewhite Sr., the county of Wayne on the 
    3rd day of June in the year of our Lord 1828 being weak of body but of a 
    sound mind do make and establish this my last will and testament in manner 
    and form following to wit
    Itam 1st I give to my Son Elisha Applewhite one flowerd Chest and all the 
    money that is due me after paying my just debts
    Itam 2nd I give my grandaughter Elizbeth worrell one painted Chest and one 
    Cow & Calf
    Itam 3rd I give to my grand Son Stephen Applewhite one painted Chest
    Itam 4th I give to my grand Son ISaac Handley one painted Chest
    Itam the 5th it is my will that the ballance of my Property be Equally 
    Divided in maner following Elisha Applewhite one fourth part John 
    Applewhite one fourth part Martha Handleys Children one fourth part and 
    ISaac Applewhites children one fourth part
    Lastly I Leave my son Elisha Applewhite my executor
    Signd in presents of us                 Elizabeth   x   Applewhite {Seal}
    Belheah   x   Cobb
    Tarleshe   x   Worrell
    [It is interesting to note that she refers to herself as Elizabeth Sr.  
    Think this is to distinguish her from Isaac Applewhite's widow who was 
    also Elizabeth and I have seen her referred to as Elizabeth Jr.] 
    Contested Case - Page One

    Contested Case - Page Two

    Contested Case - Page Three

    Contested Case - Page Four

    Contested Case - Page Five

    Contested Case - Page Six

    Contested Case - Page Seven

    Contested Case - Page Eight

    Contested Case - Page Nine

    Contested Case - Page Ten

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