Rose Family of North Carolina
by Hershel Vaughan Rose

    Contributed by Dorothy Price Holt

    The News and Observer, Raleigh, NC Saturday Morning, May 9, 1959 Hershel V Rose Passes Smithfield - Hershel V Rose, clerk of the Johnston County Superior Court since 1926, died Thursday night at Johnston Memorial Hospital following a severe coronary attack after he successfully underwent a major operation. Funeral services for the 72 year-old Johnston County native will be held Saturday at 3 pm at the Centenary Methodist Church and burial will take place in Oakland Heights Cemetery in Smithfield. The Rev Lester Tilley, pastor of the Centenary Church, will conduct the rites, assisted by the Rev J H Lansinger, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, and the Rev Ivan Adams, pastor of the First Christian Church. Mr Rose, who resided in Smithfield, is survived by his wife, the former Miss Edith Powell; a daughter, Mrs Melvin Wilkins of Smithfield; two sisters, Mrs R D Marler and Mrs J Ben Lee, both of Bentonville Township; and two grand children. The dean of Johnston County officeholders, he has never had any opposition in a Democratic primary and in only two general elections did he have Republican opposition. He was admitted to the bar in 1922 after studying at Wake Forest College. Rose, a charter member of the Johnston County Historical Society was a leader in the movement to develop the Bentonville Battleground. In 1957, he was appointed by Gov Hodges to the executive board of the State Department of Archives and History. He was an active Legionnaire, and a former commander of the Pou-Parrish Post. He was in demand as a public speaker and was well known all over North Carolina for his historical knowledge. Because of his interest in helping people, Rose was a natural selection for the position of County Welfare Superintendent when the Department was first established in 1919. He had the reputation of being a busy public official, but one never too busy to help people in need. He was reared on a farm in Bentonville Township, the son of William Rose Jr, and Sally Blankston Rose. He led in developing the consolidated school system in the county and in 1953 was Johnston County chairman of the statewide school bond campaign. Page One

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