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Johnston County Deed Book I-1, pg 306 - 200a
Type of Instrument: QD
To all to whom these presents shall come greeting know ye that I
Robert Allen of Dobbs County in the state of North Carolina for
and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds to me in hand
paid by Michajah Casey of the County and State aforesaid at and
before the ensealing and delivery of these pres't the receipt whereof
I do hereby acknowledge myself to be therewith fully satisfied
contented and paid and of every part and parcel thereof do exonerate
acquit and discharge the sd Michajah Casey his heirs and assigns
forever have given granted bargained and sold ensealled conveyed and
confirmed and by these presents do freely fully and absolutely give
grant bargain sell convey and confirm assign and set over unto the
said Michajah Casey his heirs Ex'rs Adm'rs and assigns forever one
certain plantation tract or parcel of land situate lying and being
in the county of Johnston aforesaid begining at a pine on the Great
Branch of Mill Creek running South 49 Wt. 200 poles to a lightwood
tree by a little branch side thence So. 41 Et. 160 pole to a
lightwood stump in Arthur Davis's line then No. 49 Et. 200 poles a
long the said line to a white oak thence a straight line to the first
station containing by estamation 200 acres as may more fully and at
large appear by patent granted to William Willyhan to have and to
hold the above said bargained premises with the appurtenances there
to belonging or in any wise appertaining to the said Michajah Casey
his heirs Ex'rs Adm'rs and assigns forever free and clear from all
other former gifts grants sales or incumbrances whatsoever and I
the said Robert Allen do by these presents bind myself my heirs Ex'rs
Adm'rs to warrent and forever defend the aforesaid bargained premises
to the Michajah Casey his heirs Ex'rs Adm'rs and assigns forever from
the lawful claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 20th
day of Nov'r 1778
Sign'd Seald & Delivered } Robert (his x mark) Allen {Seal}
In Presence of us }
Jacob Stevens
Needham Whitley
Johnston County Nov'r Term 1778
Then was the Execution of this deed duly proved in open court by the
oath of Jacob Stevens Esq'r and ordered to be registered
Wm. Wade Clk
Registered in the Registers Office of said county in Book I Page 306
John Smith R'r
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Johnston County Land Grants, Book M-1, pg 176 - 1776
To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting.
KNOW YE, That We, for and in Consideration of the Sum of Fifty
Shillings for every Hundred Acres hereby granted, paid into our
Treasury by Micajah Casey a Tract of Land, containing one hundred and
Fifty Acres, lying and being in our County of Johnston Beginning at a
white Oak McCondickus Corner and Runs along his Line South forty three
Degree West one hundred and Eighty Poles to a pine his and Langstons
Corner then along Langston line South forty five poles to apine in his
line thence East two hundred and twenty three Poles to astake thence
North one hundred and Eighty Poles to astake and thence Straight to the
Beginning as by the Plat hereunto annexed doth appear; together with
all Woods, Waters, Mines, Minerals, Hereditaments, and Appurtenances,
to the said Land belonging or appertaining: To hold to the said Micajah
Casey his Heirs and Assigns, for ever. Yielding and paying to us such
Sums of Money yearly, or otherwise, as our General Assembly from Time
to Time may direct. Provided Always, That the said Micajah Casey shall
cause this Grant to be registered in the Register’s office of our said
County of Johnston within Twelve Months from the Date hereof,
otherewise the same shall be void and of no Effect.
IN TESTIMONY whereof, we have caused our Great Seal to be hereunto
affixed. WITNESS Alex Martin Esquire, our Governor, Captain-General,
and Commander in Chief, at Farefield, the twenty first Day of October
in the Twenth Year of our Independence, and in the Year of our Lord One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty two
By his Excelly’s Com’d
J Glasgow Sec Alex Martin {seal}
Recorded in the Secretarys office
J Franks Treas
Image - Deed 1
Johnston County Land Grants, Book M-1, pg 182 - 1776
To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting.
KNOW YE, That We, for and in Consideration of the Sum of Fifty
Shillings for every Hundred Acres hereby granted, paid into our
Treasury by Micajah Casey a Tract of Land, containing Fifty Acres,
lying and being in our County of Johnston on the South Side the great
branch and Beginning at a Maple in a small Branch a prong of said Great
branch near Trails line and runs South Sixty five degrees East Fifty
Poles to a diad pine Caseys corner then his Line North forty nine
degrees East one hundred Poles to the great branch then down its
meanders to the mouth of the little Branch thence its meanders to the
beginning as by the Plat hereunto annexed doth appear; together with
all Woods, Waters, Mines, Minerals, Hereditaments, and Appurtenances,
to the said Land belonging or appertaining: To hold to the said Micajah
Casey his Heirs and Assigns, for ever. Yielding and paying to us such
Sums of Money yearly, or otherwise, as our General Assembly from Time
to Time may direct. Provided Always, That the said Micajah Casey shall
cause this Grant to be registered in the Register’s office of our said
County of Johnston within Twelve Months from the Date hereof,
otherewise the same shall be void and of no Effect.
IN TESTIMONY whereof, we have caused our Great Seal to be hereunto
affixed. WITNESS Alex Martin Esquire, our Governor, Captain-General,
and Commander in Chief, at Fairfield, the twenty first Day of October
in the Twenth Year of our Independence, and in the Year of our Lord One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty two
By his Excelly’s Com’d
J Glasgow Sec Alex Martin {seal}
Recorded in the Secretarys office
J Franks Treas
Image - Deed 2
Inventory of the property of Micajah Casey Sen decd
Rd Oct Ct 1800 (Returned October Court 1800)
340 acres land
1 negro girl
1 mar (mare)
3 cows and calves
8 head cattle
25 head hogs
4 feather beds & furniture
3 bed steads
2 chests
1 table
2 wool wheels
4 pair cotton cards
1 linen wheel
1 tub
1 pale
1 pig gin
1 cann
9 old casks
1 cart
5 baskets
1 Bible and Testament & other books
2 smoothing irons
1 box iron
2 heaters
1 bea hive
1 churn
1 wooden bowl
1 sifter
3 iron pots & pan
1 spread
2 pewter dishes
3 pewter plates
20 pewter spoons
3 wash bowls
1 set of tea cups & saucers
Pitcher tea pot
Sugar dish & milk pot
2 mugs
1 paper box
1 bowl
2 jugs
2 case bottles
1 quart bottle
3 slays
1 saddle & bridle
2 looking glasses
1 razor & strop
2 pair spectacles
1 case knives & forks
1 flooks (?)
1 cotten (?)
5 weeding hars
3 axes
1 spade
1 grubing hoe
1 grind stone
1 plow frame & grid
3 bells
2 handsaws
1 Sinanant (?) sow
1 ditto small
1 jointers & flax plane
1 jack plane
1 smoothing ditto
6 small planes
1 carpenders adge (?)
1 drawning knife
2 hammers
1 gimlet
1 trowel
2 squares
2 combs & gage
1 box of sunary old tools
1 woman saddle
4 sides leather
1 chirt
1 pale
5 pairs of chissels
2 gauges saw set
1 punch
2 plane irons
1 ruler
3 gimlets
1 __ bitt
3 pair spurs
4 pistols
1 ink pot
1 doz plates
1 pewter bason
4 mugs
Sarah Casey Adm.
When the estate sale occured, the names shown as buyers were
Sarah Casey, Michail Wilkins, John Carraway, Negro Toney, William
Harris Junr, Samuel Albertson, Samuel Herring, Micajah Casey, John
Geddens, Joseph Winfield, Daniel Harris, William Whitfield, Kedar Hines,
Stephen Hines, Zachariah Harris, Alexander Frarar, James Green, Sarah
Casey junr, Isaac Hines, John Reaves, and Uriah Blanchard.
I promise to pay Lewis Martin three pounds and 6 p lawfull money at
North Carolia on Demand three Months after date it being for Value
Received of him as witness my hand and seal this 1st day of December
Micajah (his mark) Caisey Sen {Seal}
In the presents of
Micajah (his mark) Caisey Junr
For value recd I promise to pay Robert Donnell or order the sum of
Five pounds Eleven Shillings with legal Interest from the first of
January last untill paid
Witness my hand & seal this 13th day of May 1799
Micajah (his mark) Casey {Seal}
John Watson
October the 15th day 1799
Micagah Casey to Wm Dunkin for one quart of brandy 6 shillings
This day Wm Dunkin made oath that the above account was just & true &
that he had given all just Cradate
Leven Watkins JP
Sworn to befour me
the 14th of November 1800
On or before the first day of Jany next I promise to pay Jacob Herring
his heirs or assigns the sum of fifty mill'd dollars for value recd this
17th day of Jany 1800 - 50$
Micajah (his mark) Casey Sen {Seal}
For value recd I promise to pay Negro Toney or order the sum of Four
pounds Ninteen Shillings and three pence North Carolina currency with
legal interest from this date untill paid
Witness my hand & seal this 10th day of Febr 1800
Micajah (his mark) Casey {Seal}
John Watson
State of No Carolina} to any Lawful officer to request
Wayne County} and return you are heare By
and Commanded to take the money of Micagah Casey and him cause to appeare
before me or some other justice for sd county to answer the complaining of
Daniel Harress in a plea for the nonpayment of twenty Shillings due Bryant
hearins fail not at your parcel and this shall be your warrant given under
my hand this 25 Day of April 1800
Eis(?) Slocumb
I promise to pay James Sasser Seventeen shillings & six pence value recd
Witness my hand and seal this 15th July 1800
Sarah (her mark) Casey {Seal}
Rd Martin
3/9 for order for Sale
The Estate of Micajah Casey Sen decd
To William Harriss Junr for Ballance due on Settlement 4 shillings
Making 2 pr Shoes 10 shillings
ditto 1 pr ditto 2 shillings 6 pence
Errors Excepttd
Sworn to before me agreeable to Law this 5th day of August 1800
William Harris
Jas Green JP
Wayne County May Term 1803
Ordered that William Whitfield, James Herring and James Colier be appointed
a Committee to Settle the Estate of Micajah Casey Decd with the Adm and make
due a Report to next Court
Copy Jas Sasser C
Wayne County August term 1803
Ordered that William Whitfield Joseph Winfield and Barnaby McKinne be
appointed a committee to settle the account current of the estate of
Micajah Casey Decd with Sarah Casey the administradhrs and report to
next court
Copy teste
Jas sasser
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