Page Five
William Lewis Deed to Urban Lewis, 1813
This Indenture made this 21st day of November 1807 between William
Lewis of the one part and Urbin Lewis of the other part witnesseth
that for and in consideration of the natural Love & affection which
I William Lewis have & do being unto my Son Urbain Lewis a certain
tract or piece of land Situate Lying being in the County of Wayne
& part in Duplin County bounded as follows that is to say Beginning
at a large Pine & runs thc to the head of a branch then down the
run of the Branch to Major Lumbers line then thc 125 pole to the
center of the lines then near the Same Corner to ___ Swamp to a
white oak then up the run of said Swamp to the head to a pine then
nearby to a pine in my own line then with the patent line to the
Corner then N 60 pole to a pine ___ Sleepy Creek then Et 14 pole
to a Stake then So 90 pole to the beginning Containing by Estimation
220 acres be the Same more or less which land & premisis I the said
William Lewis have given & granted unto the Said urbian Lewis with
all & singular the right title and advantage unto the Same belonging
on in any wise appertaining in as full and ample a manner as I
possible can do and I the said William Lewis do Covenant promise
& agree to & with the sd urbian Lewis to warrant & forever defend
the aforesaid land & premises free & clear from all Claim or Claims
whatever Claiming by these or under my ___ Executor or administrator
on assigned unto the said urbain Lewis his heirs & assigns forever
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal the
day & date above written
Signes Sealed & delivered in the presents of us
William Lewis {Seal}
Ezekiel Slocumb May Co 1813
Ulle Lewis
Book 10 pg 44
Urban Lewis Deed to Joel Lewis, 1841
Indenture made the 13th day of August in the year one thousand eight
hundred & forty one, between Urban Lewis and son Joel Lewis both of
Wayne County a parcel of land in Wayne County on the waters of Lewis
Branch & sleepy Branch containing 187 acres, more or less.
Urban Lewis {Seal}
James Griswold, Benjn Griswold
State of North Carolina
Deed was proven in court by the witnesses
Witness my hand and seal this 10th day Sept 1855
A. T. Grady
[Book 54 - page 397 - Wayne Co. Register of Deeds]
William Lewis Obituary, 1846
Fayetteville Observer, Wed., 13 Oct 1841
Died - "In this county, on Wednesday morning, the 6th inst., William
Lewis, in the 81st year of his age, a soldier and pensioner of the
Revolutionary War, and a native of Contentnea, Greene County, NC.
Previous to the commencement of hostilities with the mother country,
he united himself with the Wesleyan Missionaries to whose religion
tenots he adhered to the day of his death. He appeared to depart in
the full assurances of a blessed immortality when asked if he had
doubt as to his future state, he repled, 'No, I am ready,' raising
his hand and pointing upwards."
Will of Urban Lewis, 1847
Will of Urban Lewis - August 13, 1841
Source - Archives, Raleigh, NC
In the name of God Amen I Urban Lewis of the State of North Carolina &
Wayne County, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being
of sound & perfect mind & memory, do make and publish this my last will
& testament in manner and form following Viz
Firstly My will & desire is that all my just debts be paid out of my
peresherable aforesaid estate and that my Executors sell only as much
thereof as will be sufficient to pay the___my wife shall be___of such
articles as the said Executors may think best for her advantage and of
the other liqutes interested therein.
Secondly I give & bequeath unto my son John Lewis five shillings,
having already given him all I intended.
Thirdly I give & devise unto my son William Lewis all my lands of which
I am seized & possesed at my death, reserving therein a life estate to
my beloved wife Susan in all that part of any lands lying on that side
of Lewis' Branch whereon my present dwelling house now stands, in lieu
of dower. I also give and bequeath unto my son William a horse of the
value of fifty dollars.
Fourthly I lend unto my beloved wife Susan during her natural life all
the rest, residue & remainder of my estate of which ___for the better
support of herself & such of my unmarried daughter as may remain with
Fifthly At the death of my wife Susan I give and bequeath unto my seven
daughters viz Eliza Martin, Polly Martin, Fanny Denmark, Bethena Lewis,
Patience Lewis, Susan Lewis & Elizabeth Lewis, all the remainder of my
estate herein before loaned to my wife Susan, to be equally divided
between them, they & each of them rendering an account of any
advancements made to them or either of them by me in my life time, and
of any monies that I may have paid as surety for their or either of
their husbands which said advancements or monies so paid are to be taken
in to the account in the divisions as so much paid to them or received
with by them or either of others towards their respective shares.
Sixthly I hereby nominate and appoint my son John Lewis Executor of
this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me
made. In Witness where of I have here unto set my hand & seal the
thirteenth day of August in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight
hundred & forty one.
Urban Lewis (Seal)
Signed sealed published & declared
Subscribed our names as witnesses in
the presence of the testator and in the
presence of each other.
(between lines 11 & 17 page 1st the word "& devise" interlined
and page 2 top line "either of" scored & "by" interlined before signing)
James Griswold
Benjamin J Griswold
Wayne County Feby Term 1847
This was the above will of Urban Lewis proved in open court & offered
for probate & was duly proved by the oath of Jas. Griswold, a
subscribing witness thereto ___at the same time Jn Lewis Executor
therein named came into court & qualified a ___think, ordered that
letters testmentary___to said Jn Lewis
Jn A Green(?)lief
Urban Lewis Family Records
This is a typed copy of a true copy with notarized seal.
Wayne County, North Carolina
Records of Clerk of Court.,
Will Book R. 9 - Page 460.
Will of Urban Lewis, dated August 13, 1841, probated February Court 1847-
John Lewis, Executor- names: son John, son William, wife Susan, and seven
daughters: Eliza Martin, Polly Martin, Fannie Denmark, Bethania Lewis,
Patience Lewis, Susan Lewis and Elizabeth Lewis.
Wayne County, North Carolina
Register of Deeds Records,
Book 10, Page 44.
Deed for 20 acres - dated 1813 - from William Lewis___ "In consideration
of the natural love and affection which I, William Lewis, have and do bare
to my said, son Urbain Lewis—a certain tract or parcel of land situated,
lying and being in the County of Wayne and part in Duplin County"—Joins
Mason Sunbies, Brooks Swamp, his own land, and on Sleepy Creek - Signature
witnessed by Ezekial Slocumb and Ulle Lewis, and proved before the May
Court 1813.
This is to certify that I, L. Polk Denmark, personally remember the many
visits to our home by my grandmother Patience Lewis Denmark, that all my
life I have know that her sister Bethania Lewis married Henderson Martin of
Mount Olive, North Carolina, and that when my father, James William Denmark
returned from the Civil War in 1865, at the age of 18, he left the farm near
Dudley, North Carolina, and lived for a year with "Uncle Henderson and Aunt
Theny Martin," so he could attend the school there with the Martin children.
In the January 1911, issue of the Wake Forest Student (Benefactor' Number,)
page 373, in his autobiography he tells about this move toward gaining his
I furthermore certify that I personally abstracted the records of Wayne
County Will Book R. 9 - Page 460, and Deed Book 10, Page 44, from the records
in the State Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina.
L. Polk Denmark
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 9th day of February, 1950.
Virgina S. Herring
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